Linn Fredlund

Linn Fredlund is an interior designer by trade. A graduate of Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design, she admits she’s a rookie when it comes to designing furniture – the coffee table and bench for Verk are her first pieces. She is, however, a seasoned buyer. She knows where the gaps are in the market and what furniture customers want. So, it’s a fairly safe bet that her stringent yet welcoming design will find its target group.

What made you choose to work with Verk?

– I was asked and felt immediately that their philosophy on sustainability and locally produced, Swedish materials was exciting and important. To say that it’s great to have had the opportunity to participate is an understatement. 

In what way does your design contribute to a more sustainable society?

– Sustainability is not just about good, local materials and sensible production but also about the design itself. I want the furniture to last. Thanks to the combination of their timeless design and the natural wood and stone, the pieces will age beautifully.

What was the best thing about working with this product? 

– The best thing about it is the close dialogue we’ve had – Verk, the workshop that builds the prototypes and I. I also think it’s fun to look at the collection as a whole now that everything is ready and see how well the different pieces go together. That says a lot about Verk’s clarity of vision. 

Did your work with Verk differ from how you usually work?

– Yes, a lot! I’m normally on the other side of the table, picking products for my interior design projects. Based on that experience behind me, I can see that Verk fills a gap in the market: beautiful, functional, sustainable products made in Sweden. 

Why are you an interior designer?

– I actually began studying to be an architect, but when I started work, I was more drawn to interior design projects because you get closer to what you’re working with – to the materials and details. I like the tactility of it – experiencing and handling the materials – so I chose to go on and get a Master’s in interior design.

Can design save the world?

– It’ll take more than design to do that, but this said, I think it’s incredibly important that products are produced sustainably and with a view to them lasting. If we use locally produced materials, natural materials and think about sustainability at every level, it will go a long way. Every little step is important. 

Design by
Linn Fredlund